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Thursday, May 26, 2011


Time flies...
Everyone is getting older and older...
As we turn to adults from teenagers stage, we started to worry about our future, family, career, money, everything...

A journey towards the society has begun.
Outside environment is more dangerous than what you've expected. Everyone can be hypocrite.
This is called LIFE ! We need to cope everything to deal with those dangerous situation...

Sometimes real friends exist but it is very very few. What to do? You need to do everything by your own. Don't depend on others ! Knowledge we've obtained is ours forever. There are guidelines for us to protect ourselves and improves our lives. :D

Sometimes what we wanted is not always what we can get. Try to be content in life and you will find it more meaningful to live with... :D I'm happy because I have my dream and my family to live with... They are the starting points of my life...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A better tomorrow

I will not knowing what is going to be happened on tomorrow
but I'm very sure that I will live to the fullest for today
learn from the yesterday's lessons; what is done is done

I'm a fren of Quiet and Silent,
this doesnt mean that I have nothing to say
I just trained myself to be organized and not to be emotional
We do need to pay for everything we did, I'm not excluded, too
Promise me u do choose the right choice
"Automatic realize" is the key, do not wait until I become care-less
Then the only thing I can tell or say is "TOO LATE"

Dont take something as granted,
Appreciate what is worth to appreciate
Well, what had written here are not allow to be questioned
btw, thanks for reading it

By Mavis

Sunday, May 22, 2011


我, 走了这么久
突然间才发觉 我根本没有一个真正可以依靠的心窝
走走停停了许多站口, 却没有人停止我的脚步
难过,失望, 伤心, 甚至到绝望 都体会了
我试着放慢脚步 去感受环境的变化
在这时 让我遇见你
不是我们俩聊到喜欢 这种难得的回忆 暂时的我觉得很幸福

我不问不说 并不代表我不在乎
我是在乎的, 你知道吗
你们有回忆, 我不得那么自私的叫你把ta完全从记忆里删除
希望你能对我公平一点 这样做对我好吗
换换角度去想 我又是你的谁呢
很想认真地时候 突然却有种退缩的感觉
如果我真的没出现 或者是放弃 退缩了
哪怕只是一小段而已, 满足了

我要求不多 偶尔想想我 逗逗我
越是简单 越是幸福
我相信你 更是要你能和我走到最后
只是我们俩 的小小世界

By: aquapisce

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Touch the truth- L.O.V.E

It's easy to say love, but it's hard to maintain a long relationship.
Everyone can say "I LOVE YOU", it's easy, dnt u think?
just "read" or maybe "pronounce" these 3 words, settled--"I LOVE YOU!"
somehow,it's just very hard for us, human to predict either do they really meant it or not.

Trust and Sincere are very important in order to maintain a longer relationship.
Girls and guys,
please be sincere and honest with ur partner
they are the one whom u will be live with together till forever.
please be thankful.

just stop fooling around!